Zespół Niden
A few words about the beginnings of Niden! Meet Mateusz, our CEO and founder of our organization.
torba niden
Our services - reminder


Work - life - Balance, i.e. work is important, but people and the mental comfort of our employees and ourselves are more important. And it works!

Do you pay attention to Work - life - Balance? How important is it for you to separate work from your private life? We know that many people (and we are not talking strictly about our organization) have problems with maintaining a healthy balance in this area.

Our Operations Director - Olga Witaszek is a strong supporter of this approach and always repeats that "When building and managing my team, I try to ensure that my employees can maintain a balance between their private and professional lives. In my opinion, the Work - life - Balance concept is key in maintaining internal motivation and extends the period of engagement with the company. Given the nature of our work, such a division is not always 100% possible, but in 𝗡𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻 this balance is really good."

What are the benefits of Work - life - Balance? Below are some of them:

  • You get more pleasure from work when you do it only during the hours set by your employer.
  • People who do not bring work home have a greater sense of absence and approach it calmly.
  • You have time for your little pleasures.
  • You are able to focus on other issues unrelated to work.
  • People who do not work "after work" show greater trust in their employer.
  • You are rested and regenerated.

We have given just a few reasons why it is worth implementing Work - life - Balance, but we know that their list is wide and looks slightly different for everyone.

We will be happy to talk to you about it. We are waiting for your comments!